A+..B+……anything else is unacceptable, unthinkable  and God forbid if you trip to the otherside of the B+ surely there is not much future for you….so get down to those books of yours ….they are your Bible…there is nothing much you have to do when you are a student ..there is time enough for every thing in life…if you don’t get those grades….you don’t stand a chance!! On the flip side…Critical thinking…. out of the box ideas…creative writing… point of view, may just be as right as anybody else’s…books help but understanding matters. These are the most basic differences in the education methods, concepts and aims , of India and the USA. Back home , as known , most of us live under our parental guidance till the time we are through the college and finally “on our feet” many a times ..all through our lives. In contrast to our counterparts in US who develop a strong sense of independence, self dependence and decision making at a very early stage in life. This is so much evident in marked differences of the behavior pattern, maturity level of the children of various age groups from India and US. In my opinion, although it is cultural difference between the two countries, This the pivot and probably the most important influencing factor that effects the education pattern of the two places.

Without being overtly critical about the education system back home ….I actually cannot, after all we have a long list of successful, influential and trend setters rising from the depths of  this grueling education system. I grew up understanding that the most important aspect of the education is the grades that we read and memorize the written text and the student who can do this to the last full stop and comma is the one who shows the best prospects of being successful in future. We were segregated on the basis of performers and the non performers, depending upon the percentage of marks we procured. Written material was provided for learning and to be reproduced as written ..word by word and expression by expression…that does not allow much scope of introduction of self ideas and critical thinking on those issues.This most striking difference that I personally experienced is that here we all are given the liberty to think , to come up with our own , indigenous point of view that is not wrong or right is just our perspective, our understanding of the subject. Here I felt, I had the liberty to express without my teachers being judgmental of my skills and abilities. I am made to understand that if there is something I do not do well then there is definitely something out there ,at which I am excellent.

And the best …The freedom !….freedom…the scope of exploring my choice , interests and strengths. What impressed me most in the system here is that I am not bound by Science stream, Humanities, or Arts… that once I choose my stream I bear its burden all my life , that I cannot switch between streams even when I realize that it is not cup of tea ( without of course sacrificing a couple of years ). I was pleasantly surprised when I looked at the choices that were with me to pick from and that I could easily slip into the subjects that I was most comfortable with , all the while exploring my virtues and understating  what I am best at.

All in all , even though I am thankful to all my teacher and mentors back home with all due regards it is a life time experience to be a part of this prestigious education system that is probably now recognized the best in the world.

2 thoughts on “

  1. mbadwil
    3:02 am - 10-31-2014

    I think studying in India has taught you how to be a great student. It has taught you how to get good grades and become a scholar in your studies. Your post has encouraged me to study harder and I was inspired by your words.

  2. Haoqing Li
    1:48 am - 12-3-2014

    in my point of view, a good student need to have those important quality are their thinking and their future, of course good score in school also is important issue.

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