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Wtih each passing day the technologies available to us in our everyday lives increases durastically, something that I feel has increased greatly during my life and the lives of everyone around me are computers.  My family got our first computer probably when I was in the fifth or sixth grade.  I was young at this point and only used it to play games like solitaire or some other card game.  It did not hook up to the internet, and to be honest I never really used the internet until I got to college.  In my transition into college I was shocked at my dependency to use the internet.  I use if for my school work, my personal life and homework.  This I found odd.  Having been here for a couple of years, I have adapted to using the internet in my everyday life weather it to be check my email or to use AIM.  I never dreamt that I would depend this much on computers in my life.  Although i have a basic knowledge of computers, I am no expert when it comes to some of the technical aspects.  However I realize how computers are marginalized when I go home and have to show my mother how to navigate through the internet or how to save a document on her desktop.  This technololgy has made everyday living for almost everyone different.  My parents or grandparents for that matter would have never dreamt of communicating with someone via email or instant message.  I think the simplicity of it all amazes some of the older people in my life.  This is one example of how I think technology has been marginalized.

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