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Chapter 8

Chapter 8 in Coming of age in second life is all about the economy that exists in second life.  The chapter discusses how second life has a creationist capitalistic economy.  This means that the economy feeds off of the creativity that its users put into objects they make in second life.  This made sense to me because as a class we have been working this entire semester creating different places in second life.  I personally have been creating clothes on photoshop and uploading them into our store so that we can sell them to interested prospects.  This made me realize how big second life really is because when I thought about all the different locations and places that have been created in the life I realize how much work and effort people are putting into making second life what it is today. 

The other area of the chapter 8 that caught my attention was the section on property.  This is of particular interest to me because my group and I are now facing an issue with the details of owning property in the second life.  Because our group did not own the property we were using for our clothing store, we were recently notified that we would have to find another location for the store because the owner wanted to redo the land.  Becuase we were renting and did not own the land for the store we have to find somewhere else to build because the owner kicked us off the land.  This is frustrating becuase we have all put so much time into making clothes and arranging them in our store.

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