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Chapter 6

Chapter six is all about intimacy and relationship in the world of second life.  This chapter was interesting to me because of the seriousness that some people have when reguarding relationships online.  The chapter sort of made me look at second life as if it were an online dating website.  It gives people the means to meet and interact with individuals to compare common interst and get to know others.  However the severity with which some people have when reguarding the second life relationships was crazy to me.  People get married and have children in this life.  This is a little bit too far fetched for me personally.  I can see using the site to meet someone that you may want to pursue in your real life, but to have children in this life I don’t understand at all.  In my opinion what individuals such as this are doing is trying to do is explore something they lack in their first lives in their second life.  Whihc in my opinion aside from the business aspect is the whole point of second life.  It allows people to anonomously explore things that they may not have in their first life.

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