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Chapter 4

This chapter talks about a few key concepts.  First, the chapter discusses the way we choose to intergrate our virtual selves into the life.  People have the opportunity to create their world however they want.  They get to choose their physical characteristics, the way they look, speak, or act.  They also get to choose the places that they settle and the type of people that they interact with.  These are some aspects that set apart real life versus our second life.  We get to look around and see where we fit in and create our universe according to that.  In the second world if there is something unpleasing about a particular person, place, or thing you can delete it from your life by simply warping to another world or or leaving it behind.  We are under no obligation to live unhappy second lives which is in my opinon what draws so many people to it.  This was the most important thing that I pulled out of this chapter.  Trying to find where you fit in and building your life there.  With all the different cultures and worlds there are to offer there is a place for eveyone in second life.

~ by rethmak on November 3, 2008 .

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