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Technology thing

Technology is an ever changing thing in today’s society.  A technology that is recently new and has evoloved somewhat since they were first introduced is the ipod.  This technology has greatly influenced my life as well as the lives of millions of people around the world.  The MP3 player was first introduced and revolutionalized the way that music is listented to.  Apple introduced the ipod and music is now and will be forever changed.  As the technology increases the ipod has become more advanced.  The most recent version of the ipod is the ipod touch.  This is like a portable computer.  It holds music, pictures, videos, and even has accesses the internet.  This and much more can be obtained in just the palm of your hand.  To me this is an amazing technology that will only become more advanced with time.  What will they think of next?

~ by rethmak on October 17, 2008 .

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