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September 5 discussion

We had an in class discussion about secondlife today.  It sounds like the majority of the class agrees that secondlife is kind of weird and for the socially awkaward.  From my experience so far I would have to agree with the class.  Having been a secondlife user for a couple of weeks now I am having trouble finding the objective of the game.  It seems to me like a game, however the objective is still unclear.  In class we discussed that the objective was based around money which gives you power within the game.  Talking about this Radikah said that people have weddings and can get pregnant on secondlife.  This was so weird to me and just reaffirmed my belief that secondlife is for people who cannot seem to get what they want out their actual life.  I’m hoping that the more I use secondlife the more I will be able to understand what people see in the program.

~ by rethmak on September 8, 2008 .

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