Category Archives: Outdoor Program

Condoms and Tree-Climbing Attract Students to the Department of Recreation and Wellness

From students hanging from trees to handing out free condoms, the Department of Recreation and Wellness was well represented at this year’s Campus Fest. There were multiple tables representing each aspect of the Department such as the Wellness Connection, Outdoor Program and the Student Recreation Center.

While walking past the Department of Recreation and Wellness section students received an ear-full from Dan Mattina, Student Supervisor for the Outdoor Program, as he yelled out while hanging from a tree to lure students in.

“It’s self-promotion for free climbing at the Wall,” Mattina said.

Mattina, treasurer of the Outdoor Adventure Club, represented his organization to earn more members while also distributing approximately 150 informational flyers on the Outdoor Program to students. He promoted the new General Physical Education course; white water rafting.

Next to the guy shouting from the tree, a popular table each year at Campus Fest, was the Student Wellness Network, a student-run healthy life-styles organization known for passing out condom beads to students for free.

“We had a line of like 89 million people backed up all the way to the snow cones for condom beads.” Mindy Radabaugh, Vice President of the Student Wellness Network, said. “It was fantastic.”

The Student Wellness Network covers all types of wellness topics such as body image, sexual health, mental health, fitness, nutrition, tobacco and alcohol.

Representing all areas of recreation and wellness was Amy Sheldrick, the Administrative Secretary of the Wellness Connection.

Sheldrick said her table handed out multiple flyers on the various services and information. Sheldrick also helped conduct a fitness survey to see what group exercise classes students would be interested for the spring semester and what times they prefer to work out.

Sheldrick’s main message to students as they walk by: “Check out Recreation and Wellness; we have something to offer everyone.”

Students Welcome to Rock Climb for Free

For the first two weeks of the fall semester students can experience the outdoors in an indoor setting while getting in a good workout. 

Students are welcome to climb the Wall free of charge until Thursday, Sept. 2. The Wall is available Mondays through Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m., Thursdays 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sundays 5:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.

Since the Wall has been free to students, the Outdoor Program has seen an increase in interest.

“We went through a three-year decline, Jerome Gabriel, Director of the Outdoor Program said. “Over the past year there’s been an excitement about climbing coming back.”

So far there have been at least 300 students taking advantage of the free climbing experience.

“A couple people already bought memberships even though they don’t need them yet,” Angel McFarland, Office Manager of the Outdoor Program said.

The first event of the year, Late Night at the Rec on Aug. 20, had 130 students climbing the Wall in one night.

Besides the fact that it is free, there are other reasons why students should come climb the Wall.

McFarland said it is a great place to meet new people.

“There may not be people climbing the whole time, because they are talking and meeting people,” McFarland said.

Another reason to climb the 35-foot wall is to get a good workout.

“Instead of doing bench press, go climb a rock,” Dan Mattina, junior and Outdoor Program Student Supervisor said.

Mattina uses rock climbing as part of his exercise regime after he runs around the track.

On top of getting a workout in, students can also utilize the Wall as a means to eliminate stress from their busy class schedules.

While the Wall does have some challenges, anyone can do it.

Gabriel said the Wall has adaptive climbing system rentals for those with disabilities, which local disability agencies have used.

“We’re the only place in Ohio with adaptive climbing,” McFarland said.

Starting September 5, students can purchase a pass to utilize the wall either for $25 per semester or $45 for the year.

If students did not get a chance to utilize the two-week free sessions and they have never climbed the wall before they can still receive a one-day free pass. After that, a one-day pass is $3. The Outdoor Program also allows two-hour rentals for groups of 15 for $125, which includes all 15 participants’ harnesses and two staff members. They also offer birthday parties and team-building activities.

The staff of the Rock Wall enjoys climbing as much as the students.

“Everyone is really friendly,” McFarland said. “[The Rock Wall] has its own entity in the Recreation Center.”

Mattina also enjoys the Rock Wall because of the community atmosphere.

Gabriel’s enjoys creating challenging routes for the students, but not too difficult so the students can master them eventually.

While the free sessions are available for a limited time, students are encouraged to take advantage of the facility and use it to their own benefit all semester long.

New PEG Class Sparks Early Interest in Students

White Water Rafting

Several PEG (Physical Education General) classes are offered each semester through the university for one or two credits. You can earn college course credit for anything from aerobic dance to weight training and a host of others in-between. It’s a win-win situation for college students looking to stay active and involved and earn credit towards graduation. Looking to sign up for one in the fall to fill that empty spot on your schedule??? How does White Water Rafting Sound?!!! Probably like an excellent idea! White water Rafting is the newest addition to the PEG sections of courses available through the university.

White Water Rafting has made its return to BGSU as a course as well as to the Outdoor Program. Jerome Gabriel, 3 year Director of the Outdoor Program, reinstated this course and has already captured many students’ interests. The Outdoor Program (OP) is one of the many services offered on campus. Jerome describes it as, “your on campus travel agency that you get credit to participate in.” The OP can implement these PEG programs as it did this past semester with the Rock Climbing courses and Canoeing in Spring 2011 and it can also expand its efforts toward programs like the Freshman Wilderness Experience.

As for the White Water Rafting Course, here’s what you need to know. The course is one credit hour towards graduation offered in the Fall. It does have an extra fee of $325 attached to registering for the course. The extra cost covers your transportation to the New River in West Virginia, lodging for the two nights stay, the cost of rafting, the educational session and your wetsuits. The course requires that you attend two in-class sessions with Jerome before the Fall Break Trip. After the trip you are also required to attend two more in-class session. The in-class sessions are 10:30-11:20AM on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s in room 136 at the Field House.

The Rafting Trip is scheduled for Fall Break 2010 which is October 8-10. The trip agenda that is set up starts with all participants being charted down the New River in West Virginia on the Friday of Fall Break. Saturday is an all day instructional and educational day on the techniques and important components of White Water Rafting. After the group is comfortable they will head out on Sunday for the rafting trip and will return to Bowing Green on Sunday evening.

The course capacity is set at 50 and 26 spots are filled! Don’t delay registering; only 24 spots open for this truly unique experience!

The course can be registered for just as you register for any other course at BGSU. It is in the PEG 2000 section of the course catalog. The course number is 83738 which can be used to directly search for the White Water Rafting course. If you are having difficulties finding the course through the course catalog try this path: select PEG 2000, click view class sections and select the second of the seven pages. Contact Jerome Gabriel at 419-372-2146 for more information about this course or visit the Outdoor Program’s Webpage at or click on the picture below to navigate directly to the OP trip information page.

We Will See You Rafting!!!

OP Trips

Outdoor Program Earns Grant Promoting Boating Safety

In a region made up of fields and flat lands, it may be hard to believe that BGSU’s Recreation and Wellness Department is nationally recognized for excellence provided by the Outdoor Program.


After applying for the 2010 Boating Safety Education Grant sponsored by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, The Outdoor Program was rewarded $12,000 to provide a canoeing safety program. The grant allows the program to purchase equipment including five brand new canoes, a trailer, life jackets, paddles and throw ropes.


“We will be holding three to four canoeing safety courses each year,” said Director of the Outdoor Program, Jerome Gabriel. “The courses are in collaboration with regular trips, so everyone participating will be taught canoeing safety.”


The grant was offered to candidates who demonstrated potential success of a program promoting boating safety.  Among those that qualified, RecWell’s Outdoor Program was 1 of 30 applicants that received the grant in Ohio.


Many adventure seekers often plan canoeing trips with minimal training. Their assumption that nothing will go wrong, and knowing what to do if something does go wrong, is a concern to the Outdoor Program.  “With the easy availability of canoeing in Ohio, it can be a very positive or negative first experience with the outdoors. With this program we hope to educate others on how to canoe safely and have a fun experience that will hopefully lead them towards taking more time to experience the outdoors,” said Gabriel.


BGSU is not located in an area known for outdoor exploration. The Outdoor Program works hard to provide opportunities that BGSU students and community members otherwise would not have.  The program takes participants on exciting adventures all over the state and the Midwest.


“The most important aspect of the Outdoor Program is providing students with an outdoor experience beyond Northwest Ohio,” said Gabriel.


The Outdoor program is doing just that by expanding their efforts to provide not only a thrilling and educational experience, but a safe experience for all who participate.


More information on The Outdoor Program and upcoming trips can be found on BGSU’s Recreation and Wellness Web Site.


BGSU Student Leadership Excellence Results in National Recognition

BGSU Recreation and Wellness is home to two recent national award recipients. The Outdoor Program is the winner of the David J. Webb Program Excellence Award from the Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education (AORE.) Additionally, Student Wellness Network Vice-President Ashley Remer is the winner of the 2009 BACCHUS Network “Outstanding Student Award.”

The AORE is a national organization representing outdoor recreation programs at universities and military bases, as well as not-for-profit outdoor recreation programs.

“This is the highest award given to an outdoor recreation program,” said Director of the Outdoor Program Jerome Gabriel. “It’s the Emmy of outdoor recreation.”

Given BGSU’s location in an area not known for outdoor recreation like Northwest Ohio, it may appear surprising the Outdoor Program is the winner of this prestigious award. However, the program has a proud reputation in the outdoor recreation community.

“We were nominated for our ability to produce outstanding outdoor leaders,” stated Gabriel. “Students have gone on to be directors of outdoor programs in Colorado and Utah, graduate assistants in Georgia and New York, and work in many professional areas of outdoor recreation.”

The Outdoor Program also makes good use of the resources it has available with programs such as the adaptive climbing program, adrenaline youth climbing club, and the freshman wilderness experience.

Another important resource of the Outdoor Program is its student staff. The student employees at the program are vital contributors towards the program’s success.

“We give 100 percent recognition to our student staff,” said Gabriel. “The program wouldn’t have gone anywhere without students, who are passionate about outdoor recreation.”

The Student Wellness Network also has a strong reputation for producing leaders, a fact The BACCHUS Network recognizes.

The BACCHUS Network consists of over 32,000 student peer educators and advisors. BGSU’s Student Wellness Network is an affiliate. Student Wellness Network Vice-President Ashley Remer is the most recent winner of the “Outstanding Student Award.” Remer is the second BGSU student in as many years to win the award.

Senior Ashley Remer won “Outstanding Student of the Year” among other students due to her dedication to the Student Wellness Network.

“Ashley is a great leader and very charismatic,” stated Wellness Connection Director and Student Wellness Network Advisor Faith Yingling. “Other students look up to her as a mentor and leader. She brought the organization through a transition period after two main leaders graduated last year. Her leadership is very important. She really connects with students, and they feel comfortable with her.”

On Thursday, November 19 the Student Wellness Network has a table in the Union from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. as part of the Great American Smokeout. Visitors can find information on smoking cessation. Furthermore, Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Counselor Carrie Arndt is at the table from 12 until 2 p.m.

More information on the Student Wellness Network and the Wellness Connection can be found at their Web sites.

In early December, the Outdoor Program releases its Spring Semester trip schedule, which will include backpacking along the Appalachian trail and caving in Alabama. Please visit the Outdoor Program Web site for more information.