Driving Simulator Acquired by Safe Communities

Safe Communities of Wood County is thrilled to announce the purchase a Simple Decision dVT29 Portable Desktop Simulator made possible through donations received from Dancing with the BG Stars and the Rossford Police Department.

Driving simulators allow active learning by making it possible to give immediate feedback on driver performance. The experience of using a simulator is as close as a person can come to training on actual roads with a licensed driving instructor, but without the crash risk. A simulator provides the opportunity for a driver to attempt distractions such as texting and driving, talking on a phone, eating, and other activities, and to learn and experience the consequences. When using the simulator, participants are asked to obey all the traffic laws, use turn signals, and concentrate. The simulator shows both youth and adults just how hard it is to perform multiple actions at once.

If you wish to experience the simulator, contact Sandy today.

For More Information:

  • Angel Burgos, Ohio State Highway Patrol: 419-352-2481
  • Sandy Wiechman, Safe Communities Coordinator:
    419-372-9353 or swiechm@bgsu.edu