Digital/Media, Race, Affect and Labor

*Digital/Media, Race, Affect and Labor*

*Location: Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA*

*Dates of the meetings: April 14,15  2011*

We invite you to a two-day conference on Digital/Media, Race, Affect and Labor, to be hosted by the American Culture Studies Program at Bowling Green State University.

The conference look at mediated environments (broadly defined) in a contemporary or historical context. The papers in the conference engage with specific conceptual relationships that connect with the theme of this conference and explore them in any available online or offline setting.

The presenters of digital media and affect related research explore such questions as: How does desire for the Other play out in global/local and online/offline intersections? How does affect work in on-line networks and digital assemblages? What are the affective regimes of on-line sociality? What kind of perceptions, sensations, affective movements and public feelings emerge in our highly mediated and digitized environments?

The presenters also examine representations of raced bodies, shifting conceptualizations of race across space, place and time, race in cyberspace, racialized labor and so on. Historical mappings of race, caste, class and gender as well as historical contextualization of media forms reveal complex and nuanced understandings of how digital economies are shaped in relation to globalization are encouraged.

Further, the presenters will discuss affect and labor in relation to globalization and digitally mediated worlds, answering such questions as: What sorts of socio-economic formations emerge online and offline? How do we make sense of so-called voluntary networks of non-profit activities and social entrepreneurship online? How do notions of neoliberal governmentality shape emerging labor forces? What are the global and local implications of how we labor and work and play in digitally mediated environments?

Please email inquiries to **<>and include conference in your subject line.

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