
Reverends Bar and Grill

Reverends Bar and Grill is located in downtown Bowling Green, Ohio. They are full scale operating Bar and Grill specializing in unique cuisines and speciality drinks not found in the Wood County area. They’re slogan, “Heavenly Food, and Devilish Drinks” reflects upon the attitude, culture, and operation of the business. It’s unique art-style and Manhattan Studio interior design is a one of a kind in Bowling Green and Wood County. Everything from the menu items to the art decor and music selection is a different kind of taste. If your looking to get away from all the other phony “gimmicks” in Bowling Green and enjoy an authentic meal topped off with a relaxing drink while listening to influential pop culture house music, Reverends is the place. The diverse menu can range from Gourmet Burgers, Marinated Steaks, Southwest Salads, Buffalo Chicken Tacos, Spicy Cheese Sticks, California BLT’s, and my personal favorite “Reverends Mashed Potatoes” The drink menu is almost as exciting and fun as the food menu. (With your standard Sodas, Tea, Coffee) Of course if your 21,  They offer micro-brews not offered anywhere else as well as Fresh hand made mint or strawberry Mojitos. It’s unique crowd attracts families from all over the Northwest Ohio and a vibrant Bar Crowd after 10 p.m.This business is promoted through point of sale which include posters, coasters, table tents, staff, logo’s, with an outdoor display sign that’s a distinctive purple. Several of these micro brews are displayed upon the wall with beer taps that are in currently in use at the bar and grill or have been used their. Using the in door display, we get a unique view of how this business promotes it’s product. The plan in promoting these micro brews, food items, and drink specials is what sets them aside from everyone else. Not a single other operating Bar and Grill in Bowling Green has the in store display or advertising they do. The key advertising message is to look better than the competition and use style to do it. Several of the micro brews they have featured in their bar include Bell’s, Founders, New Holland, Flying Dog, Otter Creek, Goose Island, Harpoon, Avery, Southern Tier, and  Stone.

Speech on How to kick a football.

I delivered my speech and I wasn’t nervous at all. The speech was on a three step process on how to accuratley kick a soccer style football. My presentation included a tee, a football, and a youtube video of Tampa Bay Bucs Kicker Mike Nugent who taught me this 3-step process at an Ohio State football camp. I feel anyone could get the hang of it from my presentation (with practice). I also feel that the rest of the class ejoyed the speech. It was clocked at 6 minutes long and I did all the steps in order and spoke clearly. I have enjoyed this speech the most because I know what I’m doing. I have really enjoyed this class and this was by far my best speech or presentation.

Group 3 speech 4/1/09

Our second speech was the best we have done so far. It was a mock recruit visit trying to get the rest of the class to come to BGSU and play football. We had a star left tackle, a position coach, a head coach, and yours truly, The biggest fan.

I felt as if the class really liked our speech because a lot of the students in the class our Sport Managment majors and seeing a mock football recruit was kind of interesting. I think I got was really hyped up for it and I like how we delivered it. Casey did a very good job controlling the speech and Kristina was a fearful head coach. Steve was very funny because he does not resemble a left tackle at all, even though that’s what he was in the mock.

My part was filled with positive energy and I just kind of went with it. The outfit I wore was pretty convincing for the part as well. I got the audience involved with a quote right off the bat and was very enthusiastic about it. I think my next speech will be very good as well. As the class had gone on, my confidence and delivery are getting a lot better and I’m excited for our last and final speech which I will be very prepared to deliver.

Group Speech 3/5/09

Group 3, originally posted 3/5/09

Our group did Chapter 9 on beginning and ending the Speech. I felt like overall we did a good job but then I felt as if we could have been a little more organized. I added a power-point presentation to help the rest of the class understand the key points and stucture of beginning and ending the Speech. Each of our group members contributed and equal amount. Steve, Casey, and Kristina all did a good job on help putting it together. I didn’t seem nervous at all when I delivered my speech and it actually helped me to prepare it by reading Chapter 9. On our next presentation, I think we are going to emphasize meeting outside of class more for organizational purposes. I really thought our group did a good job but I know we can improve. Steve did a really good job on the outline and we were all really impressed. I think that the power point was very clutch and Steve’s outline helped with our overall grade/performance. I think next presentation should be very good as well.

Feelings about speech 1

I felt the crowd enjoyed my speech. I used a power-point to show pictures of myself. I was very nervous at first and then fell into it. I really look foward into getting better at speeches and overall I felt I did a quality job but I know there is room for improvment. – Phil

Ethics of 1/21/09 Discussion

Ethics is the branch of philosophy in which we conduct ourself to behavioral norms. When someone is delivering a speech it’s ethical to listen and not be disruptive. This can involve playing with a cell phone, chewing gum, or generally being disruptive. As public speakers, we must engage in behaving in ways that are ethical to others. Also, image is a key element to ethics. When you deliver a speech or engage in an important business meeting, always wear professional attire.

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