Archive for September, 2009

In class 9/9

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

I plan on writing an outline of my essay before friday. I’m comfortable with outlines from when i preached so, I know how to use them well.

9/4 reader response

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

After reading over my peer’r review and his notes plus re-reading my essay i realized there was a few things that i could edit to make my essay better. With the help of my peer’s review i realized that some of the things i wrote were not as clear as i would like them to be. I figure that i will rephrase a few of the sentences and change some of the words that i used. Some of the things were repetitive. I also realized that my essay did not flow very well. So i plan on rephrasing and restructuring my paragraphes to see if that helps out with the flow of my essay. I figure that doing those things will help strengthen my essay.

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