pbest on January 22nd, 2010

Ok, so I mustered up enough strength to read through the first chapter of the book (a few days ahead of time as well). From what I’ve read so far, I enjoy how the writer has managed to keep my attention, while secretly teaching me helpful information for my future. I do actually enjoy this book, and I hope that I can view it as a guide, not as an answer (I wish  answers were as easy as reading a book). Finally, I enjoy how the author relates the information to be gained from reading through helpful examples instead of going all technical on us.

With that being said, here was the information I read and picked up throughout the first chapter. The first chapter is all about learning what it means to be a project manager (PM). What I liked about his explanation of the title is that anyone can be a PM in the appropriate field and that it’s just a title; You can be performing the duties of a PM, but it’s just not in your job title. He also described a what a common project manager does, which is bringing a project to a finished state, possibly managing a work team underneath, while having to work with the higher ups. He also described some negative actions a PM can make to a project. His best example (because I too have also done this) was when he described his time at Microsoft. The author describes how he was managing a group of workers and was creating elaborate time tables that he ended up focusing more on than working on the project. It’s really easy to get caught up on the little details and lose yourself. I also picked up that to be a good PM you have to have confidence. The more insecure you feel with you project or group, it will show, believe me.

Overall this was an interesting first chapter and I’m looking forward to what the rest of the book has in store (I can’t even imagine at the moment). One final note before I go, the comps to the Valentine Theatre are taking a bit longer than expected, but I feel I’m taking the appropriate time to work on them. With that being said, I’m hoping to have some comps completed, to be critiqued by you fine folks, by tomorrow or Sunday night. This will give me 5 days before I have to meet with the client, and hopefully it should be enough time. Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

pbest on January 19th, 2010

I met with my content last Friday to discuss the time line for the project. Basically we mapped out the entire semester and I now have a list of things to do over the next few weeks. First, I’m contacting users of the CMS concert 5 to see how it works for them. The reason for this is because we are still choosing which CMS to go with, and we wish to hear the users of Concert 5’s opinions. By the end of this current week, we’ll hopefully have a CMS chosen. Also I’ve been given two weeks to design some initial comps for the redesign of the website. With that being said, this Friday I’m going to post the comps online so I can get some feedback on the direction I’m going, so PLEASE anyone take a look and let me know what you think. Finally, I’m going to start research on building websites in a Content Management systems so once we get to that point, I can immediately start production.

Just an awesome side note on last Fridays meeting. After the meeting, my client walked me to where my car was towed because I parked in a wrong parking lot. A very expensive mistake that was a truly embarrassing moment to have in front of a first time client.

pbest on January 15th, 2010

So I reviewed the forward for the Making Things Happen and my intial reactions are that I’m gonna like this book. I always skim books when I read them and the author of this book states that this is a good book to do it with. I also feel very confident because the author seems to be created for people in my position.  I’m very close to graduating and I’m trying to take things more seriously and this book seems like it will help.

I now feel that this project will accurately portray a real world experience and for that I am really excited. I feel that this class will be an amazing challenge, but also a much needed push forward.  Before the reading, I was a little nervous about the project but now I feel hopeful because I’ll have something to help guide me.

pbest on January 14th, 2010

Hey guys, It’s Paul. I guess for this first post I’ll discuss my client, project and progress so far. I currently do have a client to work for and that is the Valentine Theatre in Toledo, Ohio. The project I’ll be working on for them is setting up a content management system, building their current site in the CMS, a possible redesign of their entire website (extremely likely), and a few flash pieces sprinkled here and there.  My progress so far is to meet with the client tomorrow afternoon to discuss the project and to build a time line in which I will complete the project.  I’m extremely excited to work on this project and I wish you all luck on your own. *** P.S. I might need some of you to critique my comps for the site redesign to see your thoughts ***

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