Technological Artifact


      After reading the two articles about technollogical artifacts, the technology I choose to focus on is a cellular telephone. What I got out of the two artciles is that a technological artifact is one that could determine a power and soical structure based on the technology. Therefore, a cell phone is a device that can show more power and social status based on a society.

     The cell phone is seen as a modern way to connect to people no matter where you are. However, over time, it became very common for nearly all people to have a cell phone and not only just a phone but in some cases a particular type based on size, style, and brand of phone. This has become a sort of status symbol meaning that if you have the “more cool, more expensive” phone that you can be of higher status and power. Not only is the type of phone you have been marginalized, but just having one is general. Some part of the world can only get certain types of cell phone styles and recpetions compared to other part. Therefore, it would make it more diffcult to reach other people around the world who might have a more hard of a time reaching them if they do not have that company.

     Today, more and more peoplea are now using cell phones and they main line to use compared to when people had a home phone line and nothing else. This is because now of days, some people cannot leave thier cell phone behind, it has to be with them all day long. In some cases, I know from experience, you can get lost if you dont have your phone. This was never the case when they first came about. People could not afford them at first and they were real big. Overtime, they became smaller and more affordable making them a normal object to have.

     Overall, the technology of a cell phone can be defined as not only having the best kind, it can be simply having one at all. With these cases, cell phones can be seen to people that if you have one then you are of a greater soical standing and can access things such as the web or individual while others may not have the luxuary and others that do not are not as powerful or come a good social standing.






March 2025

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