Coming of Age: Chapter 7

     This chapter discussed communities that take place in Second Life and how people from SL thought about what they think a community is to them in a virtual world. Boellstroff talks about how people make up a community and how people would not be in a virtual world if there was no one with them to talk and experience it. People were motivated to stay in SL because of the relationships they made with other SL residents.

      Events were common places where people could meet others and build communities such as school, fashion shows, contests, etc. Events usually involved groups of people who shared common interests on SL. There are two meanings to what type of groups exist in SL. One is formal which involves networks of residents that anyone could join such as clubs or, for example, Women’s Support Group. They also formed in an informal sense of association which anyone could join if they wanted or by invite.

      In communities, people also participate in different ways. One common way is through kindness. Examples of this could be from giving items to other residents, helping others out, healing spells, or inviting other residents to events they may be attending. Not only do residents mind to help out others who need help in SL they are also willing to listen to personal problem. Another opposite way people may participate is through griefing and people who essentially terrorize others. These people have negative effects on the communities. Some examples of this would be verbal harassment, disrupted another’s experience, misled advertising, sexual harassment, rape, etc. In order to keep some type of order is SL, residents could file abuse reports against these people but this is also a form of griefing because it damages the others reputation. Some people could find griefing to be emotional while others ignore.

       The last of the chapter goes on to talk about how residents could have multiple avitars on SL and on primary one and how residents also have experience beyond virtual world that include them cresting websites based off of SL. Residents also created forums and blogs that discussed there experiences on SL. Overall, residents could build community just inside of SL or any virtual world if one goes out of existence called virtual diaspora or residents could reach the ultimate form of meeting in the actual world.

     Overall, I think community is very important when in a virtual world just like it is important in the actual world. People should and need to feel comfortable being somewhere and a community helps them adjust or become a respected resident. I found no problem talking to people about things when I went to an event or was exploring, it was easy to make small talk and I am sure if I stuck around I could make more friends. However, I think it is terrible that people are abusing SL in the fact that they are creating havoc in a community. I did not think that this would be a big issue other than, I could see, verbal abuse if someone gets into an argument. I was shocked that people actually sexually abused or shot someone. This is clearly against the law in the real world and I think there should be serious consequences for people like this in SL even it is not physically harming some, it still the point of harming the character.






March 2025

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