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Final comments about SL group project
Overall, I think our art and furniture store came out great. Once we were settled in our building and started to put things together I think that our store looks really good. At first, I thought that it was going to be a disaster because we were having trouble finding a building and location to fit all of our furniture. but then, once we found a place we were able to make the store look attractive and then we could put prices on the items to be sold. In the group, it was easy to talk about what we wanted to do and what things were going to go where. Knowing this, I thought that it was a good experience because the group was easy to work with. In terms of who was going to do what, we all just kinda did our own thing of putting objects in different places and if one needed something that is when we would ask for help.
i think that Second Life has opened me up to the virutal world that I have never thought about. Once I took the time to explore and find out what it had to offer I was glad I was given this opportunity. I am not sure if I will contiune logging on as much because it is still a fairly new experince for me but I definatley glad I gave effort into learning about it.
Add comment December 11, 2008

Group Work : Dec. 1st
In class, our group continued to work on putting the final touches of our furniture store. We were running into issues of having too much furniture in the buildings we were using but we ended up finding one that works out great. This are really coming along and I think that everyone is working together to make sure everything looks ok in the building. We are also sharing furniture and objects be sending them to each other so that we can use as much furniture as possible. Overall, I think the only thing we need to work on is puting up some pictures and artwork which I will do in class on Friday.
In dealing with our papers I think we have a soild start to what each of us has to do and how we are going to go about doing that. I think that in class on Friday we will talk abuout everything once more and make sure everyone is on the same page.
Add comment December 4, 2008

Secondlife Group: Nov. 19th
Last week and this week I have continued to work on the group project. We have been having problems finding a building that will fit all the stuff that we need to. We tried a few buildings last week and for some reason, it disappeared at the end of class. Therefore, we found another building and this one seems to be working out the best. It is a little bit smaller but it has allowed us to add more then any other building. On Monday, I started to put in objects as well as move them around to create a look for the rooms. I will continue on improving the look of the inside throughout the week. I will also, once we get a start on the buildings furniture, look into adding a few art pieces.
Today, while in the music building, we had trouble logging on to SL. We do not know if it is because of SL or because of something else. Since I could not get on there is nothing I can really do right now. SL, on Friday I am going to continue on with furniture and art work. Right now, as well I think that are group has been doing good for how much trouble we have been having with the building. As for my position of what I have been doing to contribute to the group, I have pretty much been been adding things and helping out with other members just as much as them. Now, I want to add some art, since I have a lot of lindens I am going to start looking at things I could possibly buy art or furniture wise that would contribute to the group. Lastly, I want to talk with my group about the paper and what they think needs to be done so taht we are all on the same level.
Add comment November 20, 2008

Group Project: Nov. 10th
Last Friday, our group again found another building to put furniture in for our store. But once again, it said that it was too full after placing objects in it. We then proceeded to look up troubleshooting techniques about what to do with the land and buildings. We also contacted the owner of the land to see if there as anything we could do to get more space. All the owner said is that more and more people are coming and placing obejcts in the land therefore there is noting we could really do about it because it changes everyday.
Today, we are still in the same situation where we cannot add anymore objects. However, we created a forum where we are asking others what to do. We also are in the process of trying to find a new building or area to put our stuff in. However, we have to wait for our group member to delete our old building before we do anything else. For right now, I am going to do more research on the matter to see if there is anything else we can do in the meantime.
Add comment November 11, 2008

Today, I found when we tried to put more objects into the store that it said that it was too full and we could not add anymore objects. we then decided to got to another place that was a two story building. However, once we started to out stuff in, it also said that we had too much stuff and it was full. For now, I am going to look at the website to see what I can do about land and how we can add more things to the land. Also, we might search for something new thats is bigger.
Add comment November 6, 2008

Week of Oct. 27th
During class I have been researching, finding objects, and getting our land for the group project. In regards to researching, I have been trying to figure out how to create and build objects for our art and furniture store. I have been looking at the second life website as to how to do this as well as the web to look at pictures to make into art. I also have looking at freebee shops looking for furniture and art to put into the store. One thing I was happy about was finding a flat screen tv that we wanted to put into the store.
The last thing I spent most of the time doing was exploring and putting objects into our store. We got some land and created a living room type thing inside of our building with a fireplace, some sofas, and the flat screen above. I was pretty simple for me to put things inside of the building and all the members in the group contributed to the objects and creation of what we had inside the store. The next step for me is to put more things inside the store and continue to learn how to make more objects.
Add comment November 6, 2008

Group Project: Oct. 8th
For the past couple of weeks I have been concentrating most of my time working on our first group project. Somethings I first started doing was reaseaching by going to different places where I could see what others on secondlife were doing. One place, in particular, was an art gallery where they displayed differnt peices of art by different people. I liked how they set it up bacuse the floor had tiles that led you to the different places to be seen. It was outside, also, and contained waterfalls which I thought made it look very nice.
Overall, my group has decided to create an art and furniture store. The store will be selling items such as art pieces, charis, couches, tables, etc. Inside of the store, we decided, that we were going to create little showrooms with a set up of different pieces that go together. Right now, we are gathering pieces and seraching in freebee stores to find things we can put in the store.
Add comment October 8, 2008

Group Project 1
For the first group project our group was assigned to interview people on Second Life. So far, I have been searching for people to interview. I did approach a few people to ask for an interview but one declined me and the other was not interested. I think the reason may be because they are not looking for questions in Second Life. I think that they are actually looking at it as a social network. While looking for people I found a few places where a lot of people were at and teleported, however it seemed that they already had groups of friends and I felt like I was intruding when I approached them.
For now, I will be continuing to ask people for interviews and explore Second Life to see where I can meet new people who will be willing to take my interview. I think also from now on I will try and be more forward about what I am asking of them instead of trying to be friends with them first, which is what I was doing. Also, I am going to simplify my questions so they can understand more easily,
Add comment September 19, 2008

Secondlife 9/10/08
Today, we were to go onto to secondlife and either locate free stores and purchase things or we were to try and get money. I spent all of my time looking for clothing, shoes, accessories, etc. at the freebee store I went to. The only store I went on and shopped at was one called The Free Dove. It had everything for men and women that included such things such as clothes, jewerly, shoes, hats, and hair. I bought each of these items and a lot of diffferent kinds.
Some things I liked about recieveing free things that it felt like I could get anything thing I wanted. Therefore, I got anything I liked and did not care how much I had because it was free, it’s something that I would never encounter in real life. Overall, I had a hard time choosing what to get and how to even click on the items to buy, sometimes it would not let me while others worked right away. I enjoyed buying things because that is what I like to do in real life and because I did not have to worry about spending too much money which sometimes is the case in real life.
Add comment September 11, 2008

Intro. to Secondlife
In second life, I choose the name Nthiel Mfusula. I choose this name so I could easily know who I am and I thought the last name sounded unique. The avaitar I picked was one that is suppose to slightly resemble me with the hair, eyes, body type, and facial features. I may, however, once I start to get comfortable with it, I think I am going to change myself to someone else to how it is like. My experience with second life was very interesting. I thought that it was cool that there is a virtual world where you can do anything you like. Another thing I liked is that you are part of a community that you could become friends with eventually.
1 comment August 30, 2008

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