Group Project: Oct. 8th

October 8, 2008 nthiel

    For the past couple of weeks I have been concentrating most of my time working on our first group project. Somethings I first started doing was reaseaching by going to different places where I could see what others on secondlife were doing. One place, in particular, was an art gallery where they displayed differnt peices of art by different people. I liked how they set it up bacuse the floor had tiles that led you to the different places to be seen. It was outside, also, and contained waterfalls which I thought made it look very nice.

      Overall, my group has decided to create an art and furniture store. The store will be selling items such as art pieces, charis, couches, tables, etc. Inside of the store, we decided, that we were going to create little showrooms with a set up of different pieces that go together. Right now, we are gathering pieces and seraching in freebee stores to find things we can put in the store.

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