Archive for September, 2009

5 categories

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

in my rough draft i feel like i need to work on having more details and support. i also need help in placing the citations

questioins and concerns

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

i feel in this essay i was somewhat distracted when writing it. i feel that this essay is going to take a lot of revising for some reason, but i will get the essay where it needs to be. i am aslo concerned about where to insert the citations

2 sources

Monday, September 21st, 2009
i think that both of these websites are filled with accurate information about bowling green ohio. they provide good information with details and are a cretible source.

what i like most about my final essay and what i would change

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

i really enjoyed writing my essay because of the topic i chose. i liked giving informative information about why exercise is a good way to relieve stress. if i had more time i would have liked to have had more counter arguments. i feel i struggle with them the most.

what i changed in my essay

Monday, September 14th, 2009

i switched some of the order around in my essay. i put my personal experience in before my counter argument and i added a paragraph to refute some of my counter arguments

what i have learned

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

I have learned a lot from having Olivia peer edit my essay. My essay has very strong arguments. I think it is neat how Olivia said she even learned things from my essay. Next week i think i will work on making my thesis stronger and fixing any grammer problems.

Using the pre-writing purple sheet

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

The purple sheet in our portfolio was very beneficial in organizing my ideas to start my rough draft. I enjoyed using this method to brainstorm my ideas because I have used this sheet before in high school. The other pre-writing tool that i used was the “tree” organizer. Again I have already used this tool in high school. I feel that both of these methods help me the most when writing, organizing, and establishing my essays.

My topic for my essay

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

For my argumentive essay i am going to create a club that will benefit students and their health. I will be creating a club that will contain exercising and explaining what it takes to stay healthy. I will discuss how exercising can benefit students’ health and academics. My essay will also contain information that will explain what my club will consist of.

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