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Secondlife Setup

Making a Secondlife avatar was an interesting experience for me. I have never had any experience with Secondlife or any program like it and I wasn’t sure what to expect. When I created my account I planned on using my first name but the program wouldn’t let me. Since that didn’t work I decided to use the name that I write under, “Veronica.” The program accepted that name and gave me a list of choices for my last name; of these I chose “Benningborough.” Before creating a Secondlife account I couldn’t fathom how one could create an online identity separate from one’s own. However, after creating that name I began to think “I sound like a British girl” and I suppose in a way began constructing a new identity in my head. I didn’t really choose a character who looked much like me; rather, I chose the character who I thought looked like someone I’d want to talk to. In fact, she looks a lot like my best friend. I plan on making physical adjustments to my avatar when I become more Secondlife savvy. Although right now I’m not entirely comfortable with the Secondlife program, I am more comfortable than I was last Monday and I’m keeping an open mind. More than anything else I’m interested to see how my avatar and others’ avatars will progress over time.

Hello Again

Hi, my name is Natalie. I’m a senior at Bowling Green State University, majoring in Adolescent / Young Adult Integrated Language Arts and minoring in Interpersonal Communications. My “Secondlife” name is Veronica Benningborough…I sound British!

Hello world!

Hello blogging world.

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