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Building in Secondlife

I learned how to build a spiral staircase in Secondlife!!! I am in the group which is working particularly with makign a clothing store and there are only four of us but we are moving along at a fairly productive rate. When our group first started out we were a bit disorganized and didn’t really assign jobs right off the bat. Instead we decided to all search for freebies and ideas to share with the group. I began searching for locations in particular and was able to find several houses and building which would suit our purpose (I believe I wrote about this in a previous post). The building that the group liked had a second level to it and therefore I knew that we needed a staircase so that became my new mission.

After searching and searching for “freebie” staircases – with no avail – I decided to just build my own. I was fortunate enough to find step-by-step instruction for building a spiral staircase in Secondlife and spent the remainder of the class on Friday building and rebuilding staircases using a half cylinder prim. I still have some work to do to perfect my staircase but it seems as though building one for our clothing store will not be as challenging as I originally thought. With some practice, I’m confident that I’ll be able to build one that  will work well for our purposes and look nice too!

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