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I am officially declaring today, October 2nd a holiday because it was the day that I finally went on Secondlife outside of class. In the past my computer hasn’t been able to download Secondlife properly and so it made it very hard for me to to try to do any work outside of class since I live off campus.  Tonight, however, I was finally able to download Secondlife properly and spend some time in the warehouse that I found on Wednesday and gather some more supplies for our clothing store.

While I was traveling around Secondlife looking for various freebies I was messaged by another avatar (unfortuanately I completely forgot to save that conversation) who greeted me in English and then wrote a paragraph or so of dialogue in German. I remembered that there was a translator setting but before I could he or she told me that they wanted to give me a small gift and then said that he / she had to return to work. Out of curiosity I opened the message they send me and it was a rose. I took pictures while I was wandering around and plan to post those on Flicker soon.

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