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Shopping in Secondlife

To my utter shock and amazement I actually understood what was going on yesterday in Secondlife. Not only could I understand how to find freebies and select new outfits but I was good at it! My avatar now has tons of clothes and hair style to choose from and I have to say that being able to really alter the way that my avatar looked helped me to get comfortably engaged in Secondlife for the first time. I have also become more able to problem solve. While trying to change my avatar’s top, I accidentally clicked on her hair and hit “discard”. Suddenly my poor virtual person was bald. However, I was quickly able to find a shop with various wigs and changed her hairstyle to something completely different.

I had to laugh, though, at the way in which my personal sentiments came though as I was shopping with my avatar. Several times in the Secondlife world I picked up a dress or a shirt which I thought was cute and then when I put it on my avatar I didn’t like it anymore. This may seem trivial but I observed it as a way in which I had already bonded to my virtual counterpart. In my eyes I was no longer dressing some random virtual person, I was dressing me – and I wanted to look as cute as possible.

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