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Secondlife Setup

Making a Secondlife avatar was an interesting experience for me. I have never had any experience with Secondlife or any program like it and I wasn’t sure what to expect. When I created my account I planned on using my first name but the program wouldn’t let me. Since that didn’t work I decided to use the name that I write under, “Veronica.” The program accepted that name and gave me a list of choices for my last name; of these I chose “Benningborough.” Before creating a Secondlife account I couldn’t fathom how one could create an online identity separate from one’s own. However, after creating that name I began to think “I sound like a British girl” and I suppose in a way began constructing a new identity in my head. I didn’t really choose a character who looked much like me; rather, I chose the character who I thought looked like someone I’d want to talk to. In fact, she looks a lot like my best friend. I plan on making physical adjustments to my avatar when I become more Secondlife savvy. Although right now I’m not entirely comfortable with the Secondlife program, I am more comfortable than I was last Monday and I’m keeping an open mind. More than anything else I’m interested to see how my avatar and others’ avatars will progress over time.

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