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Friday’s Secondlife

Today my group and I mainly spent our time taking pictures and discussing how we would write the upcoming paper together. I also spent some time exploring. As my previous blogs have explained, about a week or so ago my group was abruptly evicted from our store and given a piece of land situated in a small valley instead. We were asked to begin rebuilding again, only this time without a building. Since I have frequently been called the architect of the group I quickly put together a three wall, plain, black structure so that my group could begin reloading clothing. However, my group expressed extreme displeasure at the look of the store. So I spent some time traveling around and looking at other stores nearby. After flying around for a bit I returned to our store and made some adjustments. I put a wood floor down, gave the place a glass roof, and changed the walls from plain black to a pattern texture. These things, as all things I have done in Secondlife were purely guesses that I put into action. For example, I figured I could use a texture for the walls so I went online, found some pattern that I liked, saved it in Powerpoint as a .tga and then uploaded it to Secondlife. The pattern came up in my textures inventory and then it was just a matter of placing the texture on the walls. My group was pleased with the improvement to our store and I was sure to take before and after pictures. For now, I think my work on Secondlife is for the most part done, next week I will probably spend most of each class period writing.Oh, one side-note. I was transported to one of those locations high in the clouds, a floating builing of some kind. This was my first encounter with such places although I have read about them in the textbook.

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