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Clothing Store Take 2

Today my group and I were assigned our new land on which to build. Within the first five minutes of being on the land I was able to build three walls to act as the walls of our new store. After our old store was destroyed, over Thanksgiving break, I gave some thought to the way in which my group could construct a new store. Luckily for us my theory worked. I simply used the principles of manipulating the boxes (as I have done while putting up the shirts) and changed the size to fit our purposes. The end product was a fairly simply but working store which I was delighted with. My group memebers, however, were less than pleased with the look of the new locale and I spent a good portion of the period today trying to come up with alternate accomodations. At the end of the period I was flying around our new area and found a similar store not too far away. This store, although somewhat nicer than ours, was only 5 walls placed together. It basically looked very similar to the store we created. I was somewhat impressed by their color scheme and have resolved to change our store so that it is more attractive.

I think this is a better choice than trying to make one of the pre-made stores work. There are several probelms with using an already made store: 1. There is not enough wall-space (at least not in the one my group wants to use) 2. The ground is un-even so the store will not sit flat. We would have to raise / lower land to get the building to work 3. we don’t have adequate space to comfortably accomodate an already created building. Since there are only 2 weeks of class left I’m hoping to convince my group to stick with the new store that I have created. I’m hoping once I spruce it up a bit they will be more receptive. From my standpoint, I am most interested in Secondlife as a tool for research, particularly with building and performing self. Therefore, I am not all that interested with the cosmetic aspect of our store.

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