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Unexpected Interactions

While I was writing my last wall post about my experience in Second Life I logged into Second Life so that I could give details about my experience. However, then I moved on to writing about Chapter 8 in the book and forgot that my Second Life was still on. When I realized I was still logged onto Second Life I noticed that I received an IM from Sam1177 Alito asking me for information on CC Jewels. After a moment or two he and I came to an understanding of our relationship to CC and he asked me to pass along information to her about our store. In this message was some information that my group had been wondering ever since we received the message yesterday. I did not expect to have an interaction such as this during my short time logged onto Second Life.I found that I was more comfortable talking with Sam1177 Alito both because he initiated conversation and because the conversation was for me spontaneous. I didn’t have time to formulate well thought out questions I simply asked him what I wanted to know and vice-versa. I could not remember how to save conversations in Second Life, however I had the presence of mind to copy and paste our conversation into a word document so that I could save it. The past two times I have logged onto Second Life on my own time I have had interesting interactions with new people. I will try to find more time to log on outside of class, I feel it is imperitave to my research to do so.

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