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Fairly uneventful Week

This has been a fairly uneventful week for me in Second Life. On Wednesday I showed up in the Music Lab as always and found out from other members of the class that we were unable to log onto to Secondlife. I tried several times as well but was unable to log on. Later Wednesday night I was showing my friends Secondlife and while I was wanding around my shop I got an IM inviting me to a another place in Taste of India, some sort of a dance club. I accepted the teleport and observed the place for a while. Everyone there was very inviting. My computer runs very slowly when I am on Secondlife, however, so I decided to log off and explore that area again later. On Friday I mostly has a meeting with my group while we were all on Secondlife. Once again I was logged on to Secondlife from my home so things were a bit slow, however we were able to discuss the progress of our store. We received a message about our store moving. None of us were really sure what it meant but none of the other shops that used to surround our store were still there. My group discussed what this may mean for our business but we decided to try to wait it out and learn more about what’s going on. I went on Secondlife today breifly and the store still looks as though it is in order.

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