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After many days and weeks of my group stuggling to make our clothing store accessible to potential buyers, we have finally figured it out (with MUCH help from our professor). It turns out that my methods for posting the clothing were in fact correct. I uploaded “targa” files which I saved in our “textures” then made the textures into “new outfits” that avatars could wear, and finally I places these new shirts into the “contents” of the wooden boxes and manipulated the boxes to fit on the wall correcly. All of these steps (which I had been questioning for the past several days) were correct. The mistake I was making was coming when I was trying to acutally put the clothing on my avatar. After I put these shirts up for sale and bought them, I was trying to simply drag the shirt from “objects” in my inventory onto my avatar’s body. However, when I did this a box would encompass my avatar rather than giving my avatar a new shirt.  Dr. Gajjala pointed out that after I bought the shirt and I was in my inventory, I needed to drag the box out of my inventory, place it on the ground, and then retrieve the shirt that way. I’m glad that this problem is finally resolved. Now, I can turn the bulk of my attention towards creating more shirts rather than trying to problem solve.

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