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Monthly Archive for November, 2008

Unexpected Interactions

While I was writing my last wall post about my experience in Second Life I logged into Second Life so that I could give details about my experience. However, then I moved on to writing about Chapter 8 in the book and forgot that my Second Life was still on. When I realized I was […]

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Fairly uneventful Week

This has been a fairly uneventful week for me in Second Life. On Wednesday I showed up in the Music Lab as always and found out from other members of the class that we were unable to log onto to Secondlife. I tried several times as well but was unable to log on. Later Wednesday […]

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After many days and weeks of my group stuggling to make our clothing store accessible to potential buyers, we have finally figured it out (with MUCH help from our professor). It turns out that my methods for posting the clothing were in fact correct. I uploaded “targa” files which I saved in our “textures” then […]

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More Problem Solving

The clothing group I’m in has been working non-stop on creating clothing to put up in our store, however, we have run into one fundemental problem.  Whenever someone buys one of our shirts and tries to drag the shirt fron the inventory onto his or her body the entire box engulfs the person rather than […]

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Monday in the computer lab

The majority of today’s class was spent trying to problem solve for my group. Kacie, Shea, and I were all having difficulty making clothing accessible to potential buyers in our store in Secondlife. At first it seemed that the problem was that the files uploaded were ‘.jpg’ rather than ‘.trg’. However, even after these files […]

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I spent the majority of today’s class finishing up a t-shirt I have been working on as well as trying to upload a shirt for Shea. In the end I was unable to successfully upload a shirt for Shea because the file was a ‘jpg’ not a ‘tga’. In order to successfully use a piece […]

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