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Class Troubles

Exploring the world a Secondlife, and forming individual group businesses are an integral part of the IPC 411 class. One may say that it is the basis for the course and all of the coursework involved. The group I am in is working on creating a clothing store. Thus far my group has done very well – we have found a location in which to build, constructed staircases to make our building accessible, and creating clothing to sell. However our own hypothesizing and experimenting needs facilitation in order for us to be successful. Many questions that I have during a particular class period go unanswered because I lack the guidance necessary. It would be more helpful to me, personally, if the questions that I have while I am engaged in a certain task could be answered by the professor immediately rather than having to wait until Monday and having to remember what issues I encountered. I believe it would be helpful to both myself and other members of the class if the instructor were present during workdays to help facilitate our learning.  As a visual learner without this guidance I feel my learning and success is stifled.

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