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Secondlife Shop Search

On Monday I joined the group that is working on building a clothing store for the class project. We made a list in class of what we would need to make our business a success – from types of clothing to shelves to a building. When we all go to class on Wednesday there was so much that needed to be done that we really didn’t know which way to run first, but the group decided that we would each set out to see what types of freebie items we could locate that would be useful in forming our business.

I was able to find a warehouse using the ‘search’ option that advertised over 5,000 freebies. There I found buildings and houses pre-assembled that my group could use to set up our shop. At first I was confused about what to do with the box labeled “hut” but after some help I was able to transform any of the freebie houses I got into full scale living areas. Finally, I felt like I was actively contributing to the project. Other members of my group found the same warehouse and collected some of the other supplies available. I mostly focused on the building and decorations on Wednesday.

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