Git (for Projects)

Place .gitignore file in the project’s root directory. (It can be version-ed). The .git/info/exclude can be configured to ignore personal project settings. The .git folder carries settings adjusted for the local user.

git config credential.helper store
git push -u origin master

Git will then not ask for username and password again and again.

The GIT Primer

Pulling a fresh Project from a repository first time

git fetch (to sync the project between different machines)


Create a file -> Add the file to staging area by commit –> modify the file and  add the file to staging area commit and –> Push

git clone (for HTTPS…easier and more intuitive!!)

git log (shows all committed logs…AFTER CLONING)
git branch (showed only master…not r2….SEE)

DO GLOBAL GIT SETTINGS (for commits to recognize you)
git config –global “Nitin Chaurasia VM”
git config –global
git config –global color.ui tru

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