Blog: 1

To me, writing is an important aspect in regards to the success of a student.  Usually, if someone is well educated and can write well then the better chance of them speaking well is probable.  Also, I believe that writing is important because it is the second most common way of communication when it comes to interacting with someone else besides speaking directly to them.

From a english instructor’s point of view, obviously writing is an essential element when it comes to success not only of your class but in the world and daily life.  Therefore leaving the explanation that writing is important because it furthers our intelligence and communication skills.

First off, I would not directly enforce my child to write strictly because if I were to do that then more than likely they would be more defiant and not want to write anything at all.  I would be the romodel for my child by showing them what writing can do for their success.  I would tell him/her that it’s essential for the success of their future.

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