Readers Response 9/16

The first half of the Frontline video that we watched in class has good representation with an “Arguing a Position” video. In the “Arguing a Position” videos we watched, they showed how people stated what they believe in and tried to argue their position and why they believe in it. In this video “Growing up Online”, there was an underlying argument between adults, teachers, and parents, against their kid, or any teen for that matter. The parents believed that their kids were unsafe online and could be tracked down by online predators. They believe that even though their children say they are confident they are safe online,  they are still uncomfortable with the fact that they put personal things online that anybody can see. The teens tend to disagree. Most teens think that their parents are “old school” and that they don’t understand how to properly use online sources and they wouldn’t know whether their kids are being safe online because of their lack of technology knowledge.

                This particular movie shows well how two different sides of a topic are arguing their position in what they believe in. Though there really won’t be a true winning side in this argument, there could be a side of the argument that is stronger based off of the facts and information they have on their side of the argument.

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