9/9 Readers Response

GSW 1110-1085

Nick Mikels



            I plan to use the readings and discussions in class strongly while I think about my plans for my revising. I’m very happy that we have done so much preparation for our papers and it is good that we do this much revision and checking our papers numerous times to make sure it can be better. In High School, I would have to revise my papers once at the most then that would be it. That is why my papers were always sub-par. Now that you have showed me many ways to look at a paper or have your paper looked at by someone to show you what you need to do to make it better, I think my papers will now be much more thorough and be better overall.

            I will apply certain strategies towards this revision, including making my story slightly more detailed and possibly making the length longer. I specifically have been told by my peer that I should add more detail to my story and how it related to me and I’m going to take that into consideration. If there is anything that was suggested for me to do by my peer when she read through my paper in the peer review process, I am going to make sure I read what she said I could do better and do what I can to make that specific part or section better.

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