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Archive for the 'DISU2011' Category

A Little Crazy in the Classroom

• May 26, 2011

          I am Dr. Nancy Patterson, your EDTL 6800 professor for this   Academy class. That’s me in the blue shirt, standing with my colleagues in the Moroccan Center for Civic Education. I lived there, in Casablanca, for half the year last year on my sabbatical, working on developing civic education curriculum. […]

Sample Entry for PFD Toolkit Stage Two

• June 23, 2010

What is your new approach to differentiating assessment? I am reminded that from the Inventory that I have strong beliefs about differentiation–I am wholly committed to building a “large and diverse repertoire” (Wormeli, 2006) and doing whatever I can to help students achieve their goals. I do strive to do whatever works and not just […]