A Little Crazy in the Classroom
I am Dr. Nancy Patterson, your EDTL 6800 professor for this Academy class. That’s me in the blue shirt, standing with my colleagues in the Moroccan Center for Civic Education. I lived there, in Casablanca, for half the year last year on my sabbatical, working on developing civic education curriculum. I have been teaching at BGSU for 9 years, and am originally from Ohio (born in Cincinnati, grew up in Mason). I left after getting my MEd. with licensure in social studies, and lived all over the world for about 20 years. I lived and taught in Taiwan for four of those, and ended up getting my PhD from the University of Arizona in education reform. It has been the best thing for me to come home and teach at BGSU.
I have had many, many opportunities at BGSU, one of the most compelling of which was to work for all these years on a school reform grant with Waite High School in Toledo. There I worked with teachers to help make their school more democratic and vibrant. I like to push the boundaries with my teaching, and differentiation has given me fantastic challenges and inspired me re-think my planning and delivery.
I am glad you all are here. This is my second summer teaching this course, and I am excited about what we be able to do together.