Chapter 2
In chapter two of the book we learn a lot about the history of Second Life and of computer games in general. I thought this chapter was really interesting because it showed us how far technology has come. We went from having games like Pong and Utopia to things like Second Life and WOrld of War Craft, a far cry from being anythng alike. The term techne came up a lot. “an art or craft that engages with the world and therefore results in a different world”. This sense that you can craft yourself .I think this term and ideology is really important when we talk about virtual worlds.
In class on Wednesday we got more time to explore second life. A lot of people were into finding new free stuff, such as clothes. I found a shop that had stuff literally sitting on the ground that you could take . I got some cool stuff but im not sure how to use all of it yet. I found new outfits and experimented with changing clothes. Again I was thrown off by some of the things I saw. when searching for a “freebie” place i was given the option to teleport to many sexual places,,,one I recall being named “Orgies, sex in the forest”….It throws me off everytime! I did think it was cool that you cold get tattoos in Second Life. In changing clothes i found that my character has one, although I dont know where it came from. I added a few new people to my buddy list from the class. One more thing, the language difference, I tend to end of in the rooms that people arent speaking english! I thought it was really cool that if you try to conversate with one of them, second life translates it for you.