Chapter 1
In the first chapter of the book the author does a good job of opening up what second life is about. He uses this chapter to explain certain things such as the difference between a computer game and virtual life. I think anyone who has never used Second Life would benefit greatly by reading this book BEFORE they begin anything on Second life. Key terms, either computer terms or terms exsclusivly used in Second life are explained to you. I think the main goal of Second Life is to be something to do and I do highly agree that it could be used as a social network. He explains how many people use this social life as there own social life. Second life also gives people a chance to live out whoever they want to be. You could be a women, but play as a man, a young person playing old, a shy person playing a foxy permiscious women etc.
I have used second life before in another class and reading this first chapter still today has helped me out. I understand the point of Second life, I relate it to another virtual game called the SIMS. The SIMS to me makes more sense, its more realistic, IE you cant fly. But at the same time in SIMS you cant talk to other characters, but you can in Second Life. Second life to me is a wolrd that I will probably never understand nor be interested in. Its too much in all aspects. I think im open to the idea though. In class we got a chance to explore on our own and to be quit honest I was bored. I found nothing to do but to walk around. I think its nice that people can use this as an outlit to be social in any way you want. I dont think my life has been shaped around SEcond Life but it is something to do.