today we were supposed to try and find a place and ways to build our building. Its not easy! Another girl in our class goggled things about second life as far as how to’s, she benefited from it, so i think we might take advantage of that as well. There werent many people here from the group today because of Homecoming so i spent more time finding more free objects, so that when we all get back together we have enough stuff to focus on building. I received many free buildings yesterday from the warehouse but i dont know how to use them or where to put them .
No money yet! Another girl in the group made a piece of art work and placed it in your(instructers) shop. everytime some purchases it we get 10$ toward our account to help us out. I think we need to work on making more art work and try to get any money we can to enhance our store.
i found a money tree! every half hour you can pick envelopes off the tree, it contains x amount of money, some a lot, some only 1$. it said in order to get the money you click on the envelope, but we did and couldnt get it to work. well be back!
Today in class we got with our groups and were to go around and collect things for our business. we are doing an art and furniture store. we found a really cool warehouse that had LOTS off free stuff we could use. boxes of lamps, lights, we might serve cocktails at our place so we found a bunch of free liquor. A TA in the class helped us out alot! She transferred a lot of her furniture to us so we could get started. she gave us beds, couches, computer desks, chairs etc. It will be beneficial for sure. nothing much exciting happened today, most people in my group spent the whole time in the warehouse collecting free stuff.
Next class we have to work on building and putting our place together, well see how that goes!
Yesterday in class we all got into secondlife. I have had some experience with second life before this class so I knew what to expect. I had never joined second life though. I think its cool we all got to pick our names and the way we look, from exploring I see that once we gain money we can shop for things to furthur change our look such as clothes or accessories. I chose a character that I guess looked as close to me, but I liked her hair, thats why I chose her! I chose a female because im a female, never thought about choosing a male avatar. I chose the name I did, Zaciya, because that is what id like to name my daughter one day, must be a female thing! LOL I like how you can chat with other players, either about the game or anything for that matter. The whole “you Can fly” thing, kind of weird, but its a cool way to get around. I think the controls are the hardest thing to do. Figuring out how to get somewhere, what buttons to use etc. When i explored this time it was late, so I didnt see too many people on but from the previous class I took I know that sometimes the space is loaded. We would go to “partys” people had set up in Secondlife and join, you can dance, talk, mingle, it all depends on what type of party you attend. I found it kind of hard to get places, as mentioned above but the teleport system is way cool! I think itll be a lot of fun, sometimes overwhelming, especially if everyone in the class gets into it. Id like to further explore how to achieve money/wealth so I can purchase items, land, etc.
Senior majoring in IPC with a specalization of organizational communication. Originally from Toledo. I love sociology classes, I despise group work, I feel like its second grade again, but I understand some people learn better that way, and I dont mean that to be offensive in any way. I want to move somewhere warm when I graduate. I love music , couldnt live without it. My dream job would be to work for a radio station dealing with PR or promotions.I have to be active. I absolutely can NOT sit still. I liked to be challenged and challenge myself often. I LOVE Pepsi and could NOT live with out it. I eat alot, there are very few things that I dont eat! oh yeah and for 2008 OBAMA 08! ITS TIME FOR CHANGE!
We joined second life the other day, my name is Zaciya Quintessa*