Chapter 9
chapter 9 discuesses the concept of the virtual human. A quote that stuck out to me in the beggining of the chapter was ” thats the dirty secret of virtual worlds: all people end up doing is replicating their real lives”. (from a resident in Sl.) I dont know if I agree with this statement completely, i think also that people replicate their lives adding in the things that they cant do, are scared to do, are ashmed to do, are curious to do, etc in their real life. ive seen this alot in my experiences on Sl. Ive talked to a female avatar who claimed to be female in real life, who has a romantic relationship with another aclaimed female made female avatar. her reason, Because she wanted to know what its like. ive talked to avatars in Sl that said they enjoy SL becuse they can be their true selves, as they cant now to frineds and family. Etc, which compliments the statment above.
Another quote that stuck out to me was “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesnt go away.” Philip K Dick.
Thats a very intriguing thought, One i agree with 100%, but with that definition, virtual worlds dont go away which makes them real , and i dont consider them real?
I learned that SL and other virtual worlds throughout the years have been used for simulation exercises. Even with war games and the Army. Interesting. I agree that virtual worlds can serve positive purposes I just dont know if I clearly understand the reliance on them to some people?