Chapter 7
A concept that I found really interesting in this chapter was that of ‘griefing’. which would be ‘deliberately doing something that interferes with other users Second Life experience”. also ” the griefer’s act is intentional, it causes the other residents to enjoy the virtual world less, and the griefer enjoys that act. This stood out to me because i’ve seen this in second life but i also feel like we see this in the real world all the time. My mother always named it “there is always going to be someone who has to spoil everything”…thats how i see this term. They do the act intentional, they enjoy doing it, normally nothing comes from it, beside the fact they ruined or lessened someone else’s experience.
some of the things done were comical. one avatar made a ‘freedom o ma-tic’ box, a large annoying box and placed it outside of someone’s window to block their view, and then charged them 101 lindens a day to make it invisible. Comical!