Chapter 5
CHapter 5 talked about the concept of the person, personhood in SL. I thought it was really interesting. SO many things stood out to me. I thougt the Gender and Race section had a lot of interesting ideas. It blows my mind that even in SL people are racist. “race” in most games means “specices”….Really? This bothers me I thought, although i wasnt surprised, that it was crazy, even in SL people used racist terms. an SS trainging Camp? In my other internet class we learned of the idea of people using the internet to express how they feel, truely, because of the idea of hiding . A person can act out, make these comments, this is how they really feel, but no one could potentially know its them, or those that do, many people will never get a chance to see them face to face. This idea that the computer protects you? I wonder if anyone feels because it is in a sense secretive, that it makes it “ok” or not as bad?
The gender section also talked about how SL could be used to promote diversity. it mentioned how many ‘white avatars’ would go to events such as “kwanza celebration.” and how its culturizing some people. I grew up in a very diverse world and i think its CRUCIAL for people today to be diverse and cultured, if not i feel youve been cheated. For some people, Sl might be the only oppurtunity or chance they get to interact with other races or cultures, and while it doesnt substitue for the real thing, if SL culture is the only way they can learn about another etc, then more power to it. I wonder how many people visit ethnic places in sL or deal with people who appear to be another culture/race in a positive way, but in real life live a segregated or prejudice life? Again I guess anything is an ‘advance’