9/24 Research-Popular Hangouts
For this part of the assignment i wanted to look into popular places within second life. I was interested in seeing if the things that I/we generally do for fun, second life has as well.Also when looking at these places I wanted to then look at how similar to the same places we have in the real world. For example with a night club, is it run the same way our night clubs are? does it look and function the same way? what type of people are there? etc. Here are some of my findings…
Popular hangouts. I typed in these words to see if Second Life had these places.
1.night clubs 2. strip clubs 3. malls/shopping malls 4. movies/movie theater.
I found that all these places exist in second life, but maybe not to the same fashion as ours. For example when you type in ‘mall’ a lot of sexual places come up, not your typical shopping mall. Also i found that when you type in broad places such as “mall” or shopping mall, the results arent just malls. Youll get anything that has the word mall, or shopping in it. Which could cause confusion and delay in your travels. In order to get somewhere specific you have to be highly specific. IF your new to Second Life it may be hard to find a specific place without knowing the exact name. Which again is problematic because if your new to SL you probably dont know or wont know these exact names to places.
Another thing I was interested in finding out was whether or not there was a distinction between night and day in SL. Normally when we go to a night club or a bar, its at night. Is that the same in Second life?
I found that the places i had time to visit in class, one of the only way to distinguish between night and day was the color of the sky? The sky was black so I would assume that meant it was night time? But the clock in second life said it was 1145 am? Does night and day have a distinction in SL? Ill have to do further research.
Another issue that i had in SL was actually finding people. it seemed like everywhere i went, no body was there. I dont know if this had to do with the “time” in SL, maybe everyone was a sleep? lol. When you search places you can see traffic, traffic meaning how many people have come and gone. Ill find a traffic of some high number, such as 35678, but then ill go there and no one will be around. It makes it hard to interact with anyone or do anything for that matter because its just you. It did seem though that the popular places I searched for such as night clubs, and hangouts the traffic count for those places was very high . This implies to me that people do come to these places a lot. Whether it be to really hang out and have a good time or just to visit I havent been able to determine yet.
Research to be continued, class is over