class 10/17
Friday October 17th 2008, 11:52 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I came across a homeless land today, interesting. It included tents, trailors, dumpsters, etc. Class exsist in SL as well? Why would you want to make yourself homeless or in that area if you need not be? You can pick in second life where you want to be


Our group is having some trouble with our project. for one we dont have a location. We are selling furniture and art. From the beginning we went and gathered freebie stuff but didnt realize that we couldnt just sell that stuff. To make art we need money and none of us have money (except one) to do that. i just feel like in class we are wasting our time. We dont have a building to use that we know where it is or how to get there.  SL is still confusing to a lot of us which makes it hard to be interested and get things done. I know me personally i feel like the only thing i can do is walk around and grab freebie stuff, which in essence we cant even use for the shop.  Without our building we cant do anything…road block? Also many of us cant access SL from our home computers, my computer doesnt support it. Class time is the only few minutes a week we can work on this

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