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today we were supposed to try and find a place and ways to build our building. Its not easy! Another girl in our class goggled things about second life as far as how to’s, she benefited from it, so i think we might take advantage of that as well. There werent many people here from the group today because of Homecoming so i spent more time finding more free objects, so that when we all get back together we have enough stuff to focus on building. I received many free buildings yesterday from the warehouse but i dont know how to use them or where to put them .
No money yet! Another girl in the group made a piece of art work and placed it in your(instructers) shop. everytime some purchases it we get 10$ toward our account to help us out. I think we need to work on making more art work and try to get any money we can to enhance our store.
i found a money tree! every half hour you can pick envelopes off the tree, it contains x amount of money, some a lot, some only 1$. it said in order to get the money you click on the envelope, but we did and couldnt get it to work. well be back!