Wednesday October 22nd 2008, 11:53 pm
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I had joined a group “Quintessa Family Tree” In SL. THe last name I choose was Quintessa. Its a group of people go figure, with the last name QUnitessa. Someone sent out a wedding invitation through the group. THey were getting married. The invitation gave the time, place, date etc. ASked people to RSVP> … […]

class 10/17
Friday October 17th 2008, 11:52 pm
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I came across a homeless land today, interesting. It included tents, trailors, dumpsters, etc. Class exsist in SL as well? Why would you want to make yourself homeless or in that area if you need not be? You can pick in second life where you want to be   Our group is having some trouble […]

class OCtober 8th
Thursday October 09th 2008, 1:57 pm
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TOday we went into SL outside of class. An email was sent to us telling us that we need to learn and focus on makin money. I tried asking people in SL on ways. I havent learned how to make things yet and sell them but im working on it. I think making money is […]

class oct 3
Saturday October 04th 2008, 12:19 am
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today we were supposed to try and find a place and ways to build our building. Its not easy! Another girl in our class goggled things about second life as far as how to’s, she benefited from it, so i think we might take advantage of that as well. There werent many people here from […]

Class Wednesday oct 1
Saturday October 04th 2008, 12:04 am
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Today in class we got with our groups and were to go around and collect things for our business. we are doing an art and furniture store. we found a really cool warehouse that had LOTS off free stuff we could use. boxes of lamps, lights, we might serve cocktails at our place so we […]