Snow Flakes, Living Systems and the Mystery of Giftedness.

November 2nd, 2010


Humans are open and dynamic including their gifts and talents.  Three types of gifted potential were described in the article Snowflakes, Living Systems and the Mystery of Giftedness by David Yun Dai and Joseph S. Renzulli. The first was selective affinity. Selective affinity is a strong or obsessive interest in something. The second was maximal grip or a tendency or action toward mastery of knowledge, skills and dispositions and seeking outer resources, support, opportunities and experiences to enhance and develop competency.  The third is edge of chaos described as a high level of expertise and a psychological tension between known and unknown.

Dai and Renzulli describe the 3 facets of gifted potential as cyclical and which lead to the other in a cyclical pattern.  The first selective affinity which leads to maximal grip and enhances selective affinity, and maximal grip which leads to edge of chaos.

 Dai and Renzulli conclude that giftedness is made not born.

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