December 7th, 2010

The second half of the article focuses on describing CSILE and Knowledge Forum, software applications designed around the knowledge building concept. Are there elements in Knowledge Forum that seem similar to tools you’ve incorporated into your own PLE? Do you think using a tool like Knowledge Forum with younger students and novice technology users would help them develop more useful PLEs later?

Do you agree that education should shift focus from “knowledge transmission” to “knowledge building” as described by Scardamalia and Bereiter? If not, why not? If so, what changes would you make to this course or the LRND program if you were designing it around the “knowledge building” concept?

One thought on “

  1. mpartin
    7:35 pm - 12-7-2010

    I like the idea of developing a knowledge building curriculum. By giving the students the control over what they want to learn (to a certain degree) how they will learn it and what it inspires them to learn later will encourage enthusiasm in the classroom. With some guidelines and direction they can develop a personal learning enthusiasm for their PLE.
    This LRND course has a bit of the knowledge building concept. We had quite a bit of control over how we contributed to our blogs and how we developed our facilitator project as well as our research project. I would say this class used the knowledge building concept.

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