Knowing Knowledge LRND6820

September 14th, 2010
  1. Siemens stated that “We cannot stand alone on our own knowledge we have to aggregate with other nodes (people, content, knowledge) in order to meet the challenges of a complex information climate”

How do you stay connected and on top of current information? What nodes or external entities do you use, (people, websites, books, databases, etc.) to collect information?

As Siemens points out it is impossible to stay on top of all of the information that is available today.  Years ago if you had a question you had to hold onto that question until you could make it to the local library or if you had a set of encyclopedias you could look up little bits of information on a variety of things.  Ultimately you would forget the question and wouldn’t follow through with getting an answer. Now days I rely on everything from web 2.0, to Cha cha, to texting a friend or family member to ask if they know the answer.  I rarely go to the library but I still enjoy paging through a book and I especially enjoy getting a new periodical to page through while sitting at home on the couch.  When I want information I count on the web and I often look at the posting date to get the most current information. 

I am looking forward to creating a PLE and will use that to organize information for my thesis as well as teaching material and resources.

  1. According to Siemens – Understanding that a different view exists is very different from seeing the different view. (p.34)

Talk about an experience that you’ve had that relates to this statement.

My experiences in education relates to this statement.  Since I have entered the Learning Design program at BGSU, I have read a ton of information about how we learn, different ways people learn, different ways to teach, etc.  Many of these studies and theories have been discussed and researched for centuries.  I would have to assume that some component of a teachers education addressed and discussed teaching theories and strategies. Teachers must know that people have varying learning styles yet they do not know how to teach to reach those with different learning styles.  The majority of my education has been presented in the agrarian, sage on the stage format, and many learners struggle because this format/structure was not suited to their learning style.  I guess most teachers know this, but few understand how to adapt their lessons to reach varying learning styles.

3 thoughts on “Knowing Knowledge LRND6820

  1. Misty Green
    8:42 pm - 9-14-2010

    Hopefully more and more facilitators of learning and teachers will be open minded to utilizing a wide range of teaching modalities. It is important to use variation in an effort to connect to as many learners as possible.

  2. mpartin
    10:05 pm - 9-14-2010

    In todays information age students know that information is abundant and they don’t have to count on teachers to deliver what they need to know. More and more students are turning to alternative learning environments and it will be interesting to see if the schools can adapt and restructure the traditional school setting.

  3. Rachel
    10:53 am - 9-18-2010

    I even find trying to teach my VCT 1030 students that it is very difficult to teach to every learning style. Now that many other majors are required to take the class, and the fact that it is an intro class, the range of experience with the computers/software and learning styles are all over the place. We give a step-by-step demo, give written instructions and encourage them to use tutorial videos so that the students can use what they’re comfortable with. Even with that there are students who don’t seem to understand the content very well.

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